Tony Visco
26 days ago
They need to clear his name!

Tony Visco
1 month ago
this is so sad! rest in peace!

Tony Visco
2 months ago
anyone else loves lasagna as much as me?
Tony Visco
3 months ago (E)
this is a great video explaining the difference between a citizen and a national. @JoeR posted a few posts about this. you should check out some of his old posts giving you alot of information on this. also, the website he shares is https://nationalstatus.inf...
Tony Visco
3 months ago
3 months ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
All you need to do is send an affidavit to the secretary of state of US stating I am a national and not a citizen of the United States, I am alien to the residency of the fourteenth amendment. You will then be returned to being one of "the people" of the constitution. Reclaiming your freedom and you power over them. You will no longer be subject to their federal regulation including taxes as long as you no longer receive benefits from them. The money you paid into social security is not a benefit you will be able to collect for the $$ you put in to it. exposethematrix.com
3 months ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
Do you want to be a subject with civil rights? Or do you want to be a free man with rights given to him by god? You have a choice. Altho you had no knowledge that you were placed into servitude at birth you unknowingly agreed to it. How did you do that? By answering yes to the two question you've been asked all of your life not knowing that was another option that they don't ask. tricking you into a one sided contract. Are you a US citizen? Are you a resident? then they got you to sign a document. They did not ask you if you are a US citizen or a national. They ask you if you are a resident for You to give jurisdiction over you. You thinking the geographical definition of resident( a person living or dwelling in a particular place for a period of time). But they are using the legal definition of resident (a person living or dwelling in a particular place for the reciept of a right or the discharge of a duty) in doing so you give you allegiance. This is the feudal oath of fealty. Allegiance for protection, protection for allegiance. Where the serf would go down o both knees with hands praying over his head. The lord of the manor standing would put his hands over them. The serf would bequeath himself and all of his worldly possessions to the lord of the manor in exchange for protection. But luckily you now know that you have a choice. Because it would not be constitutional with out the 13th amendment Most people think it was written to stop slavery. This is again is the trick. This amendment does not stop slavery. It was written to allow slavery. Nowhere does it disallow voluntary servitude. So at birth you are made a US citizen unknowing agreeing to be property of the United States. Just like volunteering to pay taxes volunteering to be drafted. What you don't know or are ever told is that you can volunteer out. It is" Voluntary Servitude" or it wouldn't be constitutional. thematrixdocs.com
Tony Visco
3 months ago
Laying off any food that flew or had wings at one point of their existence! 🐔 #birdflu

Tony Visco
3 months ago
Tony Visco
3 months ago
Petrol prices ‘to fall to lowest level since lockdown’ thanks to Trump #Trump

Tony Visco
3 months ago
this is insane! may her soul rest in peace!

Tony Visco
4 months ago
Insurance companies are all scams and thieves! They are happy to take your money and quick to cancel your policy if you miss 1 payment. But will deny you a claim or take forever to settle!
Tony Visco
4 months ago
Tony Visco
5 months ago
are the dems done crying yet?
Tony Visco
5 months ago
All these celebrities that endorsed Harris will lose alot of fans! Being that you as a celebrity endorsed this radical far left behavior just shines the light of who you really are after the stage lights go off!
Tony Visco
5 months ago
Lets all go out and vote tomorrow and get Trump back in office!
5 months ago
More voter Fraud in PA https://x.com/DaveBondyTV/...
Mike Chilton
5 months ago
How accurate is this! #Kamala #Biden
Tony Visco
6 months ago
Trump calls for end to war in Ukraine: 'His country has gone through hell'

Tony Visco
6 months ago
Tony Visco
7 months ago
How do you guys think the debate went?
Tony Visco
7 months ago
Tony Visco
8 months ago
Tony Visco
8 months ago
Tony Visco
8 months ago
Bucks Co. mother charged after infant left in hot car with outside temps reaching nearly 90 degrees!! what an idiot!!
Tony Visco
8 months ago
Tony Visco
8 months ago
wth! 😂😂😂😂😂 this is soooo funny! Biden dropping out and endorsing Kamala! How worst can this get for dems????
Tony Visco
9 months ago
this is just the beginning!

Tony Visco
9 months ago
Tony Visco
9 months ago