12 days ago
Why is the focus on the truck bomb in LV not in LA. Although both horrific, one killed multiple people and shot cops and had an ISIS flag. Yet that is not the one being talked about? Why?
2 months ago
Anybody else have friends and family members on the other side that are quiet all of sudden. Not one little comment.
6 months ago
Ok serious discussion. What does Trump have to do to beat Harris? And What does Harris have to do to beat Trump?
7 months ago
Watching Biden is painful. Trump is toning down his remarks, but notice they allow Biden rebuttal time, and don't reign him in. Also nothing abiut all the trash talk when Trump won and the disrespect shown to him by the outgoing President, Congress, and media. But yet they say he needs too stop the violence.
7 months ago
Ok so I notice I have a few people following me, just to make things fair. Each week there will be a new line leader. The line leader will be responsible for setting the tone of the post so come prepared if chosen. Be witty, droll maybe a touch of sarcastic or maybe just touched in the head (whatever your vibe is). Any volunteers for next week??
7 months ago
This post might piss off someone, but really sick of people excusing reckless and dangerous behavior. We have all done stupid shit, but I acknowledge it is stupid. Just because they were a nice person does not mean they get a pass on their shitty behavior. I get people are greiving but recognize the shitty behavior. And someone else should not be held liable for your moronic behavior.
8 months ago
Hunter Biden Claims Picture of Him Doing Drugs Was Staged Because He Smoked Crack Not Meth
Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden and subject of Republican congressional inquiries, is test-driving a new defense of himself. The post Hunter Biden Claims Picture of Him Doing Drugs Was Staged Because He Smoked Crack Not Meth first appeared on Mediaite.
9 months ago
Here is a question for people. Who did not get any of the shots? And how many only got the shots to save their job?
10 months ago
Here is the laugh of the day. Got a text about the election. Most of the questions was if I would choose Trump no matter what well yeah..Then my demographics..Put in college educated single old female and get this
10 months ago
Does anybody need a pair of solar glasses..I have a pr left. Catch is you are picking up from.Levittown
10 months ago
Why is it that so many people claim to be animal lovers but jackasses like this may pay a fine but get less time then if you jaywalk
10 months ago
So how long will the reports come out about the earthquake was because of climate change/ global warming/ Greta tbrowing a temper tantrum?
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