Hello Voiceup!
You can now use Stripe payment gateway to replenish your wallets for donations, subscriptions, upgrading and sending money to other users. Although both PayPal and Stripe are the most secure payment gateways some people prefer one or the other.
Voiceup Premium Account Features are Now $20 per month starting today.
With enough subscriptions, we can utilize these funds for our monthly expenses.
We recommend for everyone to upgrade to a premium voiceup account and take advantage of cool premium features such as no ads and blue verified check mark. More future features are in the works!
Thank you for being part of our community!

Voiceup Team on Voiceup
Hello Voiceup! We are working on a new goal to add new features and help Voiceup grow! Our current goal is $15k this will help us secure the .com extension which will give us more
https://voiceup.us/thread/3720Any amount of donation helps, no amount is too small!
Thank you for your ongoing support to keep free speech alive!
There is a new update for the Voiceup app in the Google play store.
Download the new update
None of this would be possible without your contributions!
On behalf of the entire Voiceup Team we thank you!
Let's continue to grow and become the Voice!
Android app is finally on Google Play! Coming soon to Apple store.
Download link

Voiceup Arrow Tshirt | PayPal
Proudly wear our Voiceup Tshirt to support free speech. This black shirt features the Voiceup arrow in white promoting free speech along with the platform address to help others practice free speech. *Please use buyer notes to indicate sizes
Voiceup initials Tshirt | PayPal
Proudly wear our Voiceup Tshirt to support free speech. This black shirt features the Voiceup initials in white promoting free speech along with the platform address to help others practice free speech. *Please use buyer notes to indicate sizes
Voiceup logo Tshirt | PayPal
Proudly wear our Voiceup Tshirt to support free speech. This black shirt features the Voiceup logo in white promoting free speech along with the platform address to help others practice free speech. *Please use buyer notes to indicate sizes