Mike Chilton
4 months ago (E)
Very simple the math..

Trump was president for 4 years
1. No wars
2. Great economy
3. Lowest unemployment rate
4. Made deals to benefit America
5. No open borders and no illegal immigrant crimes

Biden and Harris are president and have been for almost 4 years
1. Wars have started and the threat of a ww3 nuclear war is imminent if Harris becomes president
2. Worst economy
3. High unemployment rates
4. Makes deals to benefit other countries
5. Open borders, illegal immigrant crimes, supports illegal immigrants with monthly $2000-5000 paid by us taxpayers money. Yet while our vets are homeless sleeping in tents ⛺️ hungry.

Like I said, the math is simple, it don't take a rocket science to know who is a better choice especially when you have lived and witnessed the 8 years of both administrations in the office. #Trump #Harris #voting2024
Mike Chilton
8 months ago
There is NO WAY Trump will lose this election! Everyone has caught on to all the fraud voting the Biden Ad did on last elections that they are now voting for Trump and keeping a close eye on the voting 🗳 process. Illegals, dead people, voting for Biden, EVERYONE IS ALREADY ON TO YOU BIDEN! #Trump
#Biden #voting2024


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