If you win 1 million dollars today, what will the first dollar be spent on?
people voted
11 months ago
11 months ago
In response to Freddie for Publication
My house would be pd off, my son's special needs trust funded, then I have a bunch of charities A Better Life, PAW (Youth who aged out of foster care), and a couple of private people I know or know of.
11 months ago
In response to Freddie for Publication
Ok Then the first dollar would have to go to my wife.
11 months ago
In response to Freddie for Publication
OK if this is pretend, and the government isn't taking any money, lol, I would take my father to Costa Rica, he is 81 and resides at the VA in a wheelchair. He went there years ago with my mother. He loved it there!
11 months ago
In response to Freddie for Publication
The truth is that if you won a million the government would take the first dollar along with a lot more.
11 months ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
🤣 true, but for the sake of the poll let's pretend they don't exist