From Just the News:
Last week, Biden told CNN that “[n]o president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% percent when I came to office, 9%.”

In reality, inflation stood at 1.4% in January of 2021 and reached a high of 9.1% in June of 2022, during Biden’s term.

Biden’s comments drew rebuke and fact checks from several news outlets. Even far-left Snopes rated the claim “False” while normally Biden-friendly CNN observed that “Biden’s claim… is not close to true.”

The Washington Post fact-checker meanwhile, gave Biden “four pinocchios” for the claim, which the Post defines as a “whopper.”
10 months ago
Rocco1997 Russi
10 months ago
In response to JennIanelli10 for Publication
Biden has so many lies that the GOP should make political commercials of them. When he was a truck driver, football player in college, when he went to a black church when he was a kid, and the best when his uncle was eaten by cannibals 😂😂😂😂😂
James Burrell
10 months ago
In response to Rocco1997 Russi for Publication
Tony Visco
10 months ago
In response to JennIanelli10 for Publication
the only thing factual about Biden is his sense of balance
10 months ago
In response to JennIanelli10 for Publication
Half the shit that comes out of his mouth Noone understands 😆
Mike Chilton
10 months ago
In response to JennIanelli10 for Publication
True!!! I read that and was like wtf! Oh that's not the only false claims he has made! His lying 🤥 just confirms how much I miss #Trump
10 months ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
biden is a pathological liar!