8 months ago (E)
In response to JennIanelli10 for Publication
This is all big scam. While registration is important, what's more important is cleaning our voter rolls to remove the ability to produce ballots for people who are no longer legitimate voters. Not all of the registered voters will vote. So who will be in control of the unvoted ballots? Who is going to count these unvoted ballots? Who has the power to produce these ballots and inject them into the system? The last presidential they had more ballots than registered voters, Nothing has been done to stop this from happening again. Early vote action is nothing more than a push to give control of your ballot to the federal government to control your ballots are to be controlled by the state not some quasi federal agency "the USPS". Giving authority to its rouge agents. So they have ability of knowing how many votes they need to overcome to get the cheat to work. "WAKE UP AMERICAN VOTERS" Vote in person show ID. Stay away from all of these data harvesting scams. Fool me one shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.