2 months ago
In response to Tony Visco for Publication
The law in England prior to 1066 was the english common law. The Normans winning the battle of Hastings changed the type of law in England from the common law to Roman civil law (commercial law). Accepting the Jewish "shetar" this is the same tax instrument as our current 1040 form. King William did this in order to be able to repay the Jewish bankers the money lent. This is your tax system you are the chattle. This is why the puritans left England to escape their feudal system, taxes and freedom to their religion. Going back to the "common law" written in our constitution. This is EXACTLY the same thing that is happened here in the united states of America. The Jewish banker formented a civil war in order to change the type of law from the "common law" of the constitution. To the civil law of Rome, jewish "commercial law". Now called the UCC universal commercial code. With this change the people of the constitution were unknowingly placed back into feudal servitude once again serfs. The constitution allowing people the right to contract, have been tricked. The 14th amendment is that contract. The people of the constitution were "state citizens"now called a "national". Giving their allegiance to a state. The newly created political class "US citizen" was formed. Consisting of emancipated slaves and residents of Washington DC creating 2 classes of people. This contract at birth places "All persons born"using the ancient "oath of fealty" into voluntary servitude to Washington DC by making them US citizens. The United States was formulated after the constitution of the united states for America was formed, they are not the same. This is why you have no access to gods rights protected by the constitution. You only have civil rights which are the privileges they have given to their slaves, that can be changed or taken away at any time. Being subject to the jurisdiction of the United states is the same as being one of the kings subjects. nationalstatusfreedom
2 months ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
Do you want to be a subject with civil rights? Or do you want to be a free man with rights given to him by god? You have a choice. Altho you had no knowledge that you were placed into servitude at birth you unknowingly agreed to it. How did you do that? By answering yes to the two question you've been asked all of your life not knowing that was another option that they don't ask. tricking you into a one sided contract. Are you a US citizen? Are you a resident? then they got you to sign a document. They did not ask you if you are a US citizen or a national. They ask you if you are a resident for You to give jurisdiction over you. You thinking the geographical definition of resident( a person living or dwelling in a particular place for a period of time). But they are using the legal definition of resident (a person living or dwelling in a particular place for the reciept of a right or the discharge of a duty) in doing so you give you allegiance. This is the feudal oath of fealty. Allegiance for protection, protection for allegiance. Where the serf would go down o both knees with hands praying over his head. The lord of the manor standing would put his hands over them. The serf would bequeath himself and all of his worldly possessions to the lord of the manor in exchange for protection. But luckily you now know that you have a choice. Because it would not be constitutional with out the 13th amendment Most people think it was written to stop slavery. This is again is the trick. This amendment does not stop slavery. It was written to allow slavery. Nowhere does it disallow voluntary servitude. So at birth you are made a US citizen unknowing agreeing to be property of the United States. Just like volunteering to pay taxes volunteering to be drafted. What you don't know or are ever told is that you can volunteer out. It is" Voluntary Servitude" or it wouldn't be constitutional. thematrixdocs.com
2 months ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
Oh ok makes alot of sense now. Thanks for taking the time to explain it, why do I feel this is important information that is being withheld from us! How did you find this information?