Tax time are YOU required to pay?

Revocation of Election: Did I ELECT to pay income taxes forever, but now I can REVOKE it?
"You may have heard of the “revocation of election” process in which you write a letter to the IRS to revoke (withdraw) your election (choice) to pay income taxes for the rest of your life when you fi
1 month ago
1 month ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
So if we don’t pay taxes who is going to support the many programs such as Social security, S/S disability, welfare, programs for veterans, and other programs, so on and so on? I hate paying taxes but I also want to have things taken care of that is needed. Also there’s a saying “there are only 2 things in life that you have to do, die and pay taxes”. Again I hate paying taxes (I understand why) but I also hate having to go to jail for evading paying them as so many do.
1 month ago
In response to Donna Armstrong for Publication
(Grace commission) Not 1 cent of the $$ you pay in taxes goes to the day to running of the country. This is done with tariffs and excise taxes. The taxes you pay go to interest payments to the bondholders. Your future earnings are the backing for the fiat dollar. SS isn't supposed to be a tax it was set up as a retirement program which politicians use to rob the people. Funding communist welfare programs shouldn't be forced upon me. And it isn't my responsibility to pay for the governments veteran employees. You may be happy with your slavery. Just want you to know that you've been tricked into servitude. And that you have a choice to be free or in bondage.