So the last accounting of how much money US gives in foreign aid is 70.3 (non military), not counting Ukraine who we have given a 175 billion dollars to. The US gives aid to over 170 countries. Paris Agreement signed by 196 parties (countries) only 1 country has paid their full dues 3 bn per year (the next 2 countries pledge 1 bn a yr but pd about 1/2 if not less), only 1 country has kept their action plan (US) and even when the US pulled out we were still able to stay on track. United Nations there are 196 countries. The US Pays annually 674.2 M with the next 3 countries not even matching that, yet US does not have a voice on the council. Oh that does not count that the UN nations is in the US so you have the cost of housing, and tickets (UN members owe the city of NY over 17 million in parking tickets, over 85 millions in fines, and private citizens over 78 million for theft/damage/and other civil/criminal offenses. 1 out of 6 "diplomatic" immune person is know to commit a serious crime but is exempt from prosecution, and only can be ASKED to leave but cannot be forced. Our national debt is over 33 trillion dollars. Enough is enough. Yet the US is the most hated and ridiculed country, even by out supposed allies while being told that our taxpayers have to give until it hurts we have NC and California and whatever state has a national disaster to help. So yes I support anybody who comes into the bloated government and start holding them accountable for how MY MONEY is spent.
17 days ago (E)
16 days ago
In response to Holly for Publication
USAID stands for United States Agency for International Development. This agency is for regime changing by implementing color revolutions. Please do not get this confused with the humanitarian aid given to needy people.
Donna Armstrong
16 days ago
In response to Holly for Publication
Well said! I second that. Charity begins at home first!!!!!’ If I have to continue to support the illegals and other countries I want to be able to claim them all on my income tax return. Tax time us here!