Mike Chilton
8 days ago
Donna Armstrong
8 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
It’s scary as what will people who are not educated to do a desk (or higher) job but are great producing products in a factory to do? It’s like they are doing away with the human race. I could see these robots going to war and fighting for this country but to take away the jobs is not a wise move. What am I missing?
Mike Chilton
I don't think they can take all the jobs, just the ones that are more repetitive. But also, they mentioned that robot does not call.out sick, they can work 24/7 with no breaks or demands, so who knows lol
8 days ago
In response to Donna Armstrong for Publication
Donna Armstrong
8 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
I just worry as they say they can think for themselves. We’ll have another group of protesters stating they are overworked or one will want to run for the presidency. Of course that would still be better than Biden or Harris which is probably where they got the idea after watching them they figure anything can run. lol!