Mike Chilton
7 days ago
Donna Armstrong
7 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
So in the meantime you shouldn’t drink or cook with the water. Hope they have a way to correct this “immediately” as not all people read or watch the news. Between water, food and air pollution surprised we are all still around. The only ones benefitting from all the impurities is the medical field and big pharmaceutical companies.
Mike Chilton
7 days ago
In response to Donna Armstrong for Publication
Yea, they want to keep us sick! For profit! Also, Bucks County water has jet fuel contamination be careful
Donna Armstrong
Since we can’t drink or cook with the water shouldn’t the water company reimburse us as we’re not getting water that is drinkable or useful except flushing the toilets? Wonder if it’s safe to wash your dishes in it?????? UGH!
6 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication