11 months ago
Mike Chilton
11 months ago
In response to JennIanelli10 for Publication
I'm so fkn glad that someone is saying something about how shady the DOJ is! Kudos to Reyes for speaking up!
11 months ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Yes it's a 2 tier justice system..I am glad she is speaking up too!
Mike Chilton
11 months ago
In response to JennIanelli10 for Publication
She's my new hero! 🤣

"There's a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena," Reyes said, referring to the recent imprisonment of Peter Navarro. "And now you guys are flouting those subpoenas....And you don't have to show up?"

"I think it's quite rich you guys pursue criminal investigations and put people in jail for not showing up," but then direct current executive branch employees to take the same approach, she added. "You all are making a bunch of arguments that you would never accept from any other l
Tony Visco
11 months ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
shes doing a great job
Mike Chilton
11 months ago
In response to Tony Visco for Publication
Yea she is!
11 months ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
I jope the general public pay attention. For years people have been saying that the justice system not only favored those that connected that charges are brought based upon how they will play out in the public eye. How many "Hunters" of other connected people have gotten away with bad behavior. Look at Andy Reid's kids, look at Michael Vick (and before the post about he served his prison sentence, he may of but he didn't have his assets seized to pay for the medical care of the dogs that were treated so private citizens paid the 928, 073 to rehab the surviving dogs, yet 3 days before going to
Mike Chilton
11 months ago
In response to Holly for Publication
I have no faith on the DOJ many innocent people get put away and lose everything. The #doj has to reconstruct how they play with people's lives!
11 months ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
yep because even if you are found innocent still on your record and prevents hiring. You cant even get it expunge because it is not a crime. Also you fight the charge and win now you owe everything to the lawyer, you lose you owe everything to the lawyer and you lose everything. If you are put in jail for a year then you lose everything because you cannot pay your bills. There needs to be real reform but never will be because people seem to think criminals are not people.
Mike Chilton
Until it happens to them, they will never change the process. It's an easier process to put someone in prison and find them guilty, than to really sit there and go through vast amounts of paperwork proving the innocence of a person. The #doj does not like to work, they just lean towards the state prosecutor and since the state prosecutor has more time with the judge maybe even go to lunch together, the #stateprosecutor can pursue the judge and have him on state prosecutors side. Then the defendant comes into court with his lawyer and compelling evidence, yet he is in a time ⏲️ crunch
11 months ago
In response to Holly for Publication
11 months ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
I was reading a post by a Bernadette Hoffa (Jennifer you might know her 😀) and she was complaining about the CR kids after a football game running wild and terrorizing businesses etc... All I could think if these were Bensalem, Truman, or the Borough kids them the cops would be all over them with a couple going to jail for disorderly conduct, harrassment, or some other bs crime. But because it was CR brats the businesses did not call, none of the adults did and they went home. Oh funny thing also she is completely into the new mentality of women/girls can wear what they want etc... yet complai
Mike Chilton
11 months ago
In response to Holly for Publication
Yup! I just think she is bipolar 🤷‍♂️
11 months ago
In response to Holly for Publication
Yes i don't know her well but from what I have seen I don't doubt any of what you said, she fits the pattern of a delusional crazied lunatic in my book.
11 months ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
I know someone who believes everyone who is charged is guilty, and she cannot be convinced otherwised. Although I don't think that a vast majority of those in prison are innocent I believe there is enough and if new evidence comes to light it should be reviewed.
Mike Chilton
11 months ago
In response to Holly for Publication
Absolutely! I don't think everyone is innocent, but not everyone is guilty either. When new evidence rises, they rather push it aside and not have to deal with it. The way they look at it is "well we already made our decision and this person is already in prison" "we are not going to go through all this, he/she is probably guilty anyway"
Tony Visco
11 months ago
In response to Holly for Publication
wait until that person you know gets charged for something and then we will see how those thoughts change