Mike Chilton
1 day ago
17 days ago
Mike Chilton
15 days ago
Mike Chilton
15 days ago
Bird flu, measles what's next covid25...

Mike Chilton
19 days ago
The US Treasury can't track $4.7 trillion in payments.

Medicare sent $2.7 trillion overseas to people that weren't eligible.

Pentagon lost track $2.5 trillion.

Social Security sends $100 billion a year to people with no identity.

Department of Education spends $50 billion a year to make your kids gay.

USAID spends $50 billion a year to make everybody else gay.

That's over a third of the National Debt right there, and it's only been 3 weeks.

This is all blatant fraud.
And liberals are defending this.

"Nobody voted for Elon and DOGE"

The fuck I didn't...

This is exactly what I voted for.
I want my fucking money back.
I want to see some fucking perp walks.
I want to make sure this never happens again.
Mike Chilton
21 days ago
Mike Chilton
21 days ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
I remember you mentioning about this a while ago, definitely started doing my research and very interested in volunteering out. Especially after all the DOGE findings on what our tax dollars where used for!
Mike Chilton
30 days ago
Mike Chilton
1 month ago
🚨 BREAKING: Reports emerging that USAID and the CIA have ties to Trump's impeachment..
Mike Chilton
1 month ago
1 month ago (E)
So the last accounting of how much money US gives in foreign aid is 70.3 (non military), not counting Ukraine who we have given a 175 billion dollars to. The US gives aid to over 170 countries. Paris Agreement signed by 196 parties (countries) only 1 country has paid their full dues 3 bn per year (the next 2 countries pledge 1 bn a yr but pd about 1/2 if not less), only 1 country has kept their action plan (US) and even when the US pulled out we were still able to stay on track. United Nations there are 196 countries. The US Pays annually 674.2 M with the next 3 countries not even matching that, yet US does not have a voice on the council. Oh that does not count that the UN nations is in the US so you have the cost of housing, and tickets (UN members owe the city of NY over 17 million in parking tickets, over 85 millions in fines, and private citizens over 78 million for theft/damage/and other civil/criminal offenses. 1 out of 6 "diplomatic" immune person is know to commit a serious crime but is exempt from prosecution, and only can be ASKED to leave but cannot be forced. Our national debt is over 33 trillion dollars. Enough is enough. Yet the US is the most hated and ridiculed country, even by out supposed allies while being told that our taxpayers have to give until it hurts we have NC and California and whatever state has a national disaster to help. So yes I support anybody who comes into the bloated government and start holding them accountable for how MY MONEY is spent.
Mike Chilton
1 month ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
This screams corruption at its best!
Mike Chilton
1 month ago
🚨BREAKING: Trump administration to offer all 2 million federal workers the chance to take a “deferred resignation” with a severance package of eight months of pay and benefits. 5-10% of the workforce is estimated to quit, which could lead to around $100 billion in savings.
Mike Chilton
1 month ago
Mike Chilton
2 months ago
Trumps Inauguration in photos PART 1
Mike Chilton
2 months ago
Trumps Inauguration in photos PART 2
Mike Chilton
2 months ago
Trumps Inauguration in photos PART 3
Mike Chilton
2 months ago
Trumps Inauguration in photos PART 4
Mike Chilton
2 months ago
BREAKING - United States Marshals have entered the DC prison that is refusing to release the remainder of their January 6 hostages!

Should massive charges be brought against this prison?




6 people voted
Mike Chilton
2 months ago
Mike Chilton
2 months ago (E)
So apparently they apprehended an illegal immigrant with a blow torch trying to set fire 🔥 and arrested him. Another was dressed as a fire fighter. I knew these fires 🔥 were man made! #californiafires
James Burrell
2 months ago
Mike Chilton
2 months ago
Tony Visco
2 months ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
perfect! I was watching that citizen vs national video, makes alot of sense! im going to share it!
Tony Visco
2 months ago (E)
this is a great video explaining the difference between a citizen and a national. @JoeR posted a few posts about this. you should check out some of his old posts giving you alot of information on this. also, the website he shares is https://nationalstatus.inf...
Mike Chilton
2 months ago
James Burrell
2 months ago
Mike Chilton
4 months ago
Happy Veterans Day!
Mike Chilton
5 months ago (E)
What a shame! Kamala and the dems gives $750 to families who lost it all during the hurricane but gives billions for wars! Shame on them! Can't wait for Trump to come back on November and clean house! What a shame! Kamala and the dems gives $750 to families who lost it all during the hurricane but gives billions for wars! Shame on them! Can't wait for Trump to come back on November and clean house! #Trump2024 #Kamala #Harris #Trump
Donna Armstrong
5 months ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Love those fans!