Ripping up Trump Ballots in Bucks County PA WOW
Can you believe people will do this?
the GOP here doesn't want Trump but they need Trump with the GOP to support their never Trump candidates. They have been attempting to harvest registrations to be able to use their mail in voting to produce ballots for the candidates of their choice. This place is so corrupt.
HUGE: Leaked Conversation Between Arizona's Democrat Gov, Attorney General, and Secretary of State Reveals Attempt to Cover Up 98,000 Voter Registration Gl..
A newly leaked phone call between Arizona’s Democratic statewide officeholders reveals how they scrambled to find a narrative before announcing a statewide error that validated the citizenship of nearly 100,000 voters. Trump-Supporting Mom Confronts and Blasts School for Forcing 17-Year-Old to Register to Vote Democrat Without Her Consent, Claiming Trump Win Would ..
A mother in Pittsburgh is furious after her 17-year-old daughter was pulled out of class and told to register to vote—without her consent. CHECK: What Actually Happened with All the "Trump" 2020 Election Lawsuits - Viva & Barnes