13 hours ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Trump of course. The lefts little dance does nothing for this country. They should take their fighting powers and their sing alongs (Al Green’s censure) over to Ukraine to help win their war! Of course the Russians will die laughing.
19 hours ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
I don’t agree with low income not getting checks such as retiree’s who get SS checks. They paid taxes all their lives. This corruption of taxpayers money going to other countries and bogas programs didn’t happen overnight. If you’re on welfare and never paid taxes I can see them not getting a share. That only my opinion.
21 hours ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
They use the same PCR test as they did for detecting covid. My question is it as inaccurate as when they used it for covid? Seems like it's present in every species. Or could it be another Scam?
2 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Doesn’t sound good for the chickens or the people who eat chicken on a regular basis.
3 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Where’s the grant money for New York's Homeless and veteran American citizens?????? It’s a smack in the face that we are catering to illegals and the hell with our homeless! Put America first New York and Democrats.
3 days ago
Which option do you feel the Democrats displayed at Trumps speech to congress and America and why?
people voted
4 days ago

Trump Asks Federal Courts' Help As NJ Liquor Licenses Remain at Risk - Business Insider
Trump wants the federal courts to take control of his state hush-money appeal. The liquor licenses for his New Jersey golf clubs remain on the line.
4 days ago
In response to Tony Visco for Publication
They will drag their feet and delay any court hearings. Even if they go to court they will deny him. They will do everything they can to try and destroy him. Trump will figure it out. The cream always rises to the top.
4 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
When will they learn? They lost for a reason and it was a big lost! They need to wake up and smell the ☕️
4 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
I heard, but can’t confirm, that not everyone is getting a check such as people on social security and those who don’t pay taxes. Is that true?
6 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
We can only hope it works. Sometime you got to play hardball to get everyone attention.
4 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Well the Democrats were not successful with disrupting Trumps speech tonight even though they held up little signs that said false and the other side said Musk steals. I thought It was a great speech. Of course other channels were totally negative. I wonder what speech they listen to as it’s not even close to what was said. I am not surprised at all as they want to keep the divide. I absolutely loved it when Trump listed some of the findings from Musk investigation on the rediculous programs, amounts of dollars for each program and countries the billions were given to that run these absurd programs. As a taxpayer, I want to be able to clam my loss on my income taxes.
5 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
It just goes to show you how immature and hateful the left is. Let Trump speak so the rest of the people can hear what he has to say. Trump will not tolerate it. I can just imagine what would be said if it were the other way around and republicans created a scene. They have one standard, theirs!!!! If they would only listen they may learn something, oh wait, I forgot they are democrats who can’t comprehend anything that makes sense. After all we did stop them lining their pockets with taxpayers money.
5 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Wow, what an unexpected windfall when getting your credit card stolen. (If it turns out right) He may be afraid to come forward thinking it is a ploy to arrest him or if he’s homeless like the clerk said he doesn’t have access to the news. Hope he comes forward and doesn’t let it expire. Can’t wait to hear the outcome come and hope they don’t confiscate the money so no one gets it.
6 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
After finding out all the coverups in the government, I don’t trust all these big corporations either as they don’t want to pay out all the damages it’s doing to people and property (wells). Hiding it and only being reported by homeowners is a hypocrisy of these companies and water suppliers. They worry more about their money/profits than they do peoples health.
6 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Since we can’t drink or cook with the water shouldn’t the water company reimburse us as we’re not getting water that is drinkable or useful except flushing the toilets? Wonder if it’s safe to wash your dishes in it?????? UGH!
6 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
It appears Zelenskyy wants everyone to fight his battles and support his country but he wants it on his terms. I watched an interview of an Ukraine family member who lives in the US and he said Zelenskyy is a terrible leader and is not liked by any of his people. He refuses to give up his power and no one can run for president. He uses the money from the US for his personal gain and very little for the Ukraine people and country. He sounds like a real sweetheart, not!
7 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
So in the meantime you shouldn’t drink or cook with the water. Hope they have a way to correct this “immediately” as not all people read or watch the news. Between water, food and air pollution surprised we are all still around. The only ones benefitting from all the impurities is the medical field and big pharmaceutical companies.
9 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
I watched it on Fox and it appeared Zelenskyy was playing hard ball forgetting he was talking to Trump and not Biden. After 4 years with Biden kissing his ass he thought Trump would do the same. When Trump didn’t give in and told him to leave and come back when he wants to sign a peace treaty is when Zelenskyy realized he messed up as he wanted to continue to talk but was shut down. I turned on CNN to see their twisted version of what happened and was immediately taken back wondering if they watched the same meeting I just watched. Unbelievable how much they put their spin on it and how much hatred they have for Trump.
9 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
It was shocking because it's like Zelenskyy didn't understand
11 days ago
Do you think this game is a good idea with how the divide in the country is or do you think it will create problems even though it’s a game?
Do you think this game is a good idea with how the divide in the country is or do you think it will create problems even though it’s a game?
14 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Love how some liberal governors think they are above the law. Their power went to their heads. I hope they get arrested and put someone in their place that will do something for their state and not go against what’s best for their people.
15 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
I am not sure how I feel about this except they most likely should segregate them for safety reasons. I totally understand the reasoning to remove them from the prisons they are not gendered with as it’s not fair for the inmates. There are a lot of rapes even with same sex prisons along with getting killed and beaten up. I don't agree with taxpayers paying for sex Changes while in prison as Biden was allowing. That should be stopped. Think before you decide to break the law. Prisons are not for your comfort but it should be a safe place to do your time. This is only an opinion.
15 days ago
In response to Mike Chilton for Publication
Not to be mean but, I don’t understand how older successful men think young women are interested in them. Why don’t they understand it’s only for their money. Believe me, it goes the same for the older women thinking the younger guys are interested in them. 10 years difference isn’t bad but you meet people on line you got to be real careful. This woman needs to be locked up for good.