8 months ago
If you or your sons are nationals and are alien to the residency of the 14th amendment the US government can not draft you. You can only volunteer. A citizenship affidavit declaring that you are a national, sent to the US secretary of state and that has not been rebutted with another affidavit is the highest legal proof of your political status. Today at 2 pm EST there is a National Status Webinar https://nationalstatus.inf... You or your sons don't have to Die because they were drafted into an unwanted, unnecessary war. Learn about your freedom and take back your power.
8 months ago
In response to JennIanelli10 for Publication
8 months ago (E)
In response to JoeR for Publication
voice up won't load this link I'm typing it with a space before national remove the space it should work https:// nationalstatus.info/ or go to the 1:04 minute mark onJune 12th, for mark in all caps. on this link https://2radioranch.chatan...