1 month ago
Tax time are YOU required to pay? https://rumble.com/v1kuogb...
Donna Armstrong
1 month ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
So if we don’t pay taxes who is going to support the many programs such as Social security, S/S disability, welfare, programs for veterans, and other programs, so on and so on? I hate paying taxes but I also want to have things taken care of that is needed. Also there’s a saying “there are only 2 things in life that you have to do, die and pay taxes”. Again I hate paying taxes (I understand why) but I also hate having to go to jail for evading paying them as so many do.
1 month ago
In response to Donna Armstrong for Publication
(Grace commission) Not 1 cent of the $$ you pay in taxes goes to the day to running of the country. This is done with tariffs and excise taxes. The taxes you pay go to interest payments to the bondholders. Your future earnings are the backing for the fiat dollar. SS isn't supposed to be a tax it was set up as a retirement program which politicians use to rob the people. Funding communist welfare programs shouldn't be forced upon me. And it isn't my responsibility to pay for the governments veteran employees. You may be happy with your slavery. Just want you to know that you've been tricked into servitude. And that you have a choice to be free or in bondage.
Donna Armstrong
1 month ago (E)
In response to JoeR for Publication
In all due respect, My choice is to abide by the laws of the country, Whether or not I agree with them. If we could stop paying taxes without consequences or follow the laws people would have done it long ago but unfortunately we can’t. I am and don’t feel like I am in slavery nor am I uncaring for my fellow Americans. I believe we need laws as this country would be running amuck. I think the taxing is excessive but there is nothing we can do. This is only my opinion. I respect that you have your opinion also. My question to you is do you work, are you paying taxes and how long have you lived here that you don’t pay taxes without consequences?
1 month ago
In response to Donna Armstrong for Publication
I'm just trying to alert you, not convert you. I realize that you don't want to believe your parents were born into the servitude of the feudal system. Where you became property of the district of Columbia at birth. I can see that you want to give your allegiance for the protection that the federal government gives to you. The same as the oath of fealty. You receive the benefits and you have no problem with paying the duties. Enjoy the privileges the 14th amendment gives to you. They can change them at any time. But I'll stick with the fundamental rights god gives me as protected in the constitution. I posted this video because this is where I'm at in the process as a national to remove myself from the federal governments bureaucracy. The people who've been elected to make law have been running amuck for a very long time and they're the one uncaring for fellow Americans. I just don't know how you can allow yourself to be in fear of the people you've elected. People are suppose control the government. Not the government control the people. I'm just returning myself to the political status that existed before they invented the one labeled US citizen and claimed everyone to be one. It's not what I volunteered for. The 13th amendment only allows voluntary servitude. This is why I'm revoking my election. Enjoy your freedom privileges before they change them.
Donna Armstrong
1 month ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
I am not arguing with you and respect your opinion. I am asking you how you get away without paying your taxes as I would go to jail if I didn’t pay them. The government also can’t please everyone but they need to please and help the majority. Now that Trump is in office and they are exposing the needless and horrendous spending to other countries and rediculous projects it gives me hope that things will turn around. I will however pay my share of taxes as I should. We can agree to disagree and I respect your opinion.
I'm not a US citizen. As a national I am alien to the jurisdiction of the 14th amendment. The IRS considers my status to be that of a non resident alien. I am not a resident of the district of Columbia. I live in the outlying territories which are the states. According to the IRS [26 C.F.R. § 871(b) & 877(b)]. are the only taxes that apply to me they are constitutional. Unless I can prove that I am not a US citizen the IRS can move on to assessment and collection. The secretary of state of the United States issued me a passport unrebutted that contains my affidavit of citizen evidence telling him that I am NOT a US citizen and that I am alien to the jurisdiction of Washington DC. The secretary of state is in charge of all matters relating to citizenship, because he needs to be able to tell other countries my political status. I have rebutted the presumption that I am a US citizen. I'm including a link nationalstatus.com you can read all about becoming a national. It even has a chatbot that can answer many question. Click on the remedy section for instructions on taxes if you want to know how it's done even if you have no interest in doing so, or just want educate yourself. Don't let your interest be overcome by your fear. It's all voluntary.
1 month ago
In response to Donna Armstrong for Publication
Donna Armstrong
1 month ago
In response to JoeR for Publication
I am not in fear but I appreciate the information. Thank you.